

Short Description:

Commodity: Metalaxyl-M

CAS NO.:70630-17-0

Molecular formula: C15H21NO4

Product Detail

Product Tags

Commodity Metalaxyl-M
CAS NO. 70630-17-0
Molecular formula C15H21NO4
Melting point -38.6°C
Density 1.1083


Basic chemical properties:

It is light brown, viscous, transparent liquid. Melting point: -38.7℃ (pure product). Vapor pressure: 3.3×10-3 Pa (25℃, pure product). Solubility: in water: 26 g/L (25℃, pure product); in organic solvent: 59 g/L (25℃, hexane), miscible with acetone, ethyl acetate, methanol, dichloromethane, toluene, and n-octanol.


Main Application: 

It is highly effective for diseases of vegetables, fruit trees, tobacco, oilseeds, cotton, grain and other crops caused by downy mildew, phytophthora, and rot fungus.

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